Sabtu, 22 Agustus 2009

Meningkatkan kinerja sistem udara tekan

Improving Compressed Air System Performance: A Sourcebook for Industry merupakan buku yang diterbitkan oleh departemen energi amerika sebagai upaya mereduksi penggunaan energi pada pemakaian kompressor. Buku ini terbagi menjadi tiga bagian yang masing-masing bagian diuraikan lagi menjadi sub bab pembahasan. Konten buku sebagai berikut:

Section 1: Introduction to Industrial Compressed Air Systems
Components of An Industrial Compressed Air System
Uses of Compressed Air
Section 2: The Performance Opportunity Roadmap
1-Analyzing Compressed Air Needs
2-Potentially Inappropriate Uses of Compressed Air
3-Compressed Air System Leaks
4-Pressure Drop and Controlling System Pressure
5-Compressed Air System Controls
6-Compressed Air Storage
7-Proven Opportunities at the Component Level
8-Maintenance of Compressed Air Systems for Peak Performance
9-Heat Recovery and Compressed Air Systems
10-Baselining Compressed Air Systems
11-Determining Your Compressed Air System Analysis Needs
12-Compressed Air System Economics and Selling Projects to Management
Section 3: Where To Find Help
Compressed Air Challenge®
Directory of Contacts
Resources and Tools
Jumlah Halaman : 128
Kualitas ebook : Good
Kode : Kompressor-002
Harga : Rp. 30.000 (include ongkos kirim)