Senin, 02 Agustus 2010

Safety at Work

Part 1 Law
1.1 Explaining the law
1.2 Principal health and safety Acts S. Simpson
1.3 Influences on health and safety J. R. Ridley
1.4 Law of contract R. W. Hodgin
1.5 Employment law R. D. Miskin, updated by Sab
1.6 Consumer protection R. G. Lawson
1.7 Insurance cover and compensation A.
1.8 Civil liability E. J. Skellett, updated by

Part 2 The management of risk
2.1 An introduction to risk management
2.2 Principles of the management of risk
2.3 Risk management: organisation and administration for safety
2.4 Risk management: techniques and practices
2.5 The collection and use of accident and incident data
2.6 Practical safety management: systems and techniques
2.7 The individual and safety Andrew Hale
2.8 Risk management and behaviour modification

Part 3 Occupational health and hygiene
3.1 The structure and functions of the human body
3.2 Occupational diseases
3.3 Occupational hygiene
3.4 Radiation
3.5 Noise and vibration R. W. Smith and updated
3.6 Workplace pollution, heat and ventilation
3.7 Lighting
3.8 Applied ergonomics
Part 4 Workplace safety
4.1 Science in engineering safety
4.2 Fire precautions
4.3 Safe use of machinery
4.4 Electricity
4.5 Statutory examination of plant and equipment
4.6 Safety on construction sites
4.7 Managing chemicals safely

Part 5 The environment
5.1 The environment: issues, concepts and strategies
5.2 Environmental management systems
5.3 Waste management
5.4 Chemicals and the environment
5.5 The environment at large
Jumlah Halaman : 234
Kualitas ebook : good
Kode : K3-002
Harga : Rp. 35.000