Section I: Boiler Fundamentals
1 Boiler Basics
2 Heat and Flow
3 Fuels and Ash
4 Water Conditioning
5 Boiler Materials
Section II: Boiler Parts and Auxiliaries
6 Heating Surfaces
7 Fabricated Parts
8 Boiler Auxiliaries
Section III: Boilers and Firing
9 Industrial and Utility Boilers .....
10 Burner Firing
11 Stoker Firing
12 Fluidized Bed Combustion
13 Pulverized Fuel Firing
14 Waste Gas Firing (Heat Recovery Steam Generators)
Jumlah Halaman : 814
Kualitas ebook : Good
Kode : Boiler-003
Harga : Rp. 30.000 (include ongkos kirim)