Section I—HOW TO PREPARE SHEET METAL AND PIPING ESTIMATES 1 Wendes Guide to Successful Estimating; Principles 2 Systematic and Effi cient Estimating Procedures 3 Sample HVAC Estimate and FormsSection II—BUDGET ESTIMATING4 Budget EstimatingSection III—EQUIPMENT ESTIMATING 5 Heating and Cooling Equipment 6 HVAC Units and Air Distribution Equipment 7 Plumbing Fixtures and Specialties 8 Air Pollution and Heat Recovery EquipmentSection IV —SHEET METAL ESTIMATING 9 Sheet Metal Estimating Basics 10 Rectangular Galvanized Ductwork 11 Spiral and Light Gauge Round Ductwork.12 Fiber Glass Ductwork 13 Heavy Gauge Ductwork. 14 Sheet Metal Specialties and Acoustical Lining 15 Miscellaneous Labor OperationsSection V—PIPING ESTIMATING 16 Piping Estimating Basics 17 Pressure Pipe and Fittings 18 Valves and Specialties 19 DNVV Pipe and FittingsSection VI—CONTRACTING FOR PROFIT 20 Markups for Overhead and Profi t 21 Contracting for profi t22 Computerized Estimating
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