Buku ini merupakan konsolidasi dari beberapa prinsip dasar matematis yang dimulai dari prinsip dasar samapi yang lebih advance yang merupakan basic bagi penggunaan matematika pada dunia rekayasa. Buku ini terdiri dari 34 bab pembahasan yaitu:
1. Basic arithmetic
2. Fractions, decimals and percentages
4. Calculations and evaluation of formulae
5. Computer numbering systems
6. Algebra
7. Simple equations
8. Transposition of formulae
9. Simultaneous equations
10. Quadratic equations
11. Inequalities
12. Straight line graphs
13. Graphical solution of equations
14. Logarithms
15. Exponential functions
16. Reduction of non-linear laws to linear-form
17. Graphs with logarithmic scales
18. Geometry and triangles
19. Introduction to trigonometry
20. Trigonometric waveforms
21. Cartesian and polar co-ordinates
22. Areas of plane figures
23. The circle
24. Volumes of common solids
25. Irregular areas and volumes and mean values of waveforms
26. Triangles and some practical applications
27. Vectors
28. Adding of waveforms
29. Number sequences
30. Presentation of statistical data
31. Measures of central tendency and dispersion
32. Probability
33. Introduction to differentiation
34. Introduction to integration
Jumlah halaman : 301
Kualitas ebook : Good
Kode : MT-001
Harga : Rp. 15.000